
Disclaimer: I am not a Biblical scholar. All my posts and comments are opinions and thoughts formulated through my current understanding of the Bible. I strive to speak of things that can be validated through Biblical Scriptures, and when I'm merely speculating, I make sure to note it. My views can be flawed, and I thus welcome any constructive perspectives and criticisms!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Titus 2

Bible study with Pastor Terry Gray


Titus was left on Creed to accomplish two things 
1. Set things in order -- morally, doctrinally, logistically 
2. Appoint elders in each church for leadership 

This mission was difficult and arduous, both physically (Creed was a mountainous island; Titus needed to cross mountains to go from church to church) and spiritually (people of Creed were corrupted).


The #1 priority of any pastor, of any church, of any Christian is to teach the sound doctrine of the Word of God (Titus 2:1).

To older men... (Titus 2:2)
Older men who have become seasoned men of God are those who have persevered in their walk with Jesus. These men are...
- Sober: not drunk; level headed, self-controlled, not just limited to alcohol
- Reverent: dignified, reputable, worthy of respect
- Temperate: self-controlled
- Sound in the faith, in the love, and in the patience of God

To older women... (Titus 2:3-5)
Godly women are...
- Reverent in behavior: sacred in behavior
- Not slanderers: not involved in malicious gossips
- Not be given to much wine
- Teachers of good things
- Good examples to younger women

This is not a section for deaconesses or female elders. Rather, Paul is using this opportunity to discuss the behavior of older Godly women in general. As elders, older women should walk with the Lord and pass on their experience and knowledge about their walk -- How to be persevere in their walk as Godly women; how to be Godly wives; how to be Godly mothers.

To young women... (Titus 2:4-5)
Godly young women are to...
- Love their husbands and children: love them enough to care for them unconditionally
- Be discreet and chaste: balanced, self-controlled; pure in heart and mind; devoted to only their husbands
- Be good, gentle, and kind to their husbands and children and others
- Be obedient and submissive to their husbands: Be busy at home, keepers of the home, caretakers of the home

The general principle here is not to imprison women or give men reason to be chauvinists. Paul is stressing that the focus of a young woman should be keeping the home in order, nurturing the home. Men are leaders; women are helpers of their husbands -- This is God's order, set as early as the time of Genesis, set as early as the first couple on Earth, Adam and Eve.

This order may not be glamorous to human eyes but in God's eyes, this is holy. This is HIS order.

This is not to say that women who work are ungodly. If women can work AND keep their homes in order, then there is nothing unbiblical about it. However, if the women who work cannot keep their homes in order, cannot be effective supporters of their husbands, then they need to prioritize God's order before their own ambition. 

The bottom line is caring for the home is a top priority. It doesn't matter how we do it, as long as we do it. 

To young men... (Titus 2:6-8) 
Titus was a young man and was told to be an example to other young men.

Godly young men are...
- Sober minded: level headed, self-controlled, serious minded -- Avoid reckless living that is common in young men
- Knowledgeable in doctrine
- Sound in speech: Speak wisely

We all know adolescence is not easy. Hormones are going, and peer pressure can be difficult to endure. However, if we are are grounded in God's Word, we can rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us through difficult decisions. Are we here to glorify ourselves or God? God's Word keeps us grounded and makes it clear the answer to that question. And once we fully understand the implications of that question, our battles against the flesh and against worldly desires aren't so impossible anymore.

To bond servants... (Titus 2:9-10)
Godly bond servants are...
- Obedient and submissive to our bosses
- Well-pleasing to our bosses
- Trust-worthy

Don't pilfer company goods. Be careful with how we use company resources. Be completely trustworthy. Be given a job to do it and to do it well. Be good, law-abiding citizens of the country of residence. Be ready for every good work. Speak evil of no one.

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God" (Romans 13:1).

ALL authorities are appointed by God. Even dictators. We may not agree with the leaders that God has put in place, but we are to honor them and respect them -- God put them there for a reason.

Think of Joseph's life. He met many tyrannical leaders. However, he continued his walk faithfully with God; he also followed the rules set by the government. And because he was faithful, God delivered Joseph. God eventually placed Joseph as the Prime Minister of Egypt!

Think of Paul's life. Paul wrote this letter when Nero was the emperor of Rome and was heavily persecuting the church! Paul did not call to arms a coup against Nero. Instead, he reminded us to heed God's order. Since ALL authorities are appointed by God, then as God's people, we have duties to heed God's appointments. God will hold each one of us responsible for our actions. If the leaders do not lead well, trust that God will judge them. It is not up to us to judge. It is up to us to make sure we fulfill our own responsibilities.

Be Godly, for Jesus gave Himself to save us (Titus 2:11-15)
Every Christian should be mindful of the above. All these characteristics reflect the heart of one who follows Christ. We should adorn the Word of God in all things. The grace of God motivates us to embrace and adorn the Word of God in all things.

Why should we be mindful of the above? Because Jesus is coming again for His people. We have been redeemed; we have been washed clean of our sins. Have an appreciative heart and act like one who has been redeemed!

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