Hour 1 of The Bible in 24 Hours:
By Dr. Chuck Missler
No person’s education is complete if they do not know the Bible. Supporters include George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Napoleon, Patrick Henry, Daniel Webster,
A Christian’s specialization must be in the Bible.
In 1963, we outlawed the Bible from our schools; and since then, the society has gone steeply downhill.
The Bible contains 66 books, penned by over 40 different individuals over several thousands of years.
The Bible can be corroborated by…
- Archeological discoveries
- Recent documentary discoveries
- Competent analysis
20th century science has vindicated the Biblical perspectives of reality
- The finite universe
- The Discovery of the nature of time (time is defined by the vibrations of the cesium atoms, which thus can cause time to differ in values due to differences in gravitational forces; space can thus interfere with the measurement of time)
- The realization of hyperspaces (e.g. where angles of the triangle adds up to more than 180 degrees, as is true in spherical trigonometry; Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity states that we live in a 4-D world, and that time and space cannot be separated)
Time is NOT uniform
- time is a physical property/dimension
- time varies with mass, acceleration, gravity, etc.
Albert Einstein
“People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between the past, the present, and the future, is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”
Dimensions of Reality
- Nachmonides (in the 12th century), by studying the Bible, came to the conclusion that we live in a 10-D world, only 4 of which are “knowable”
- Particle physicists (from way back to today), after spending millions of dollars and years of research, have recently concluded that we live in a 10-D world, 4 of which are directly measurable (3 spatial + time); 6 are “curled” into less than 10^-33 cm, and thus inferable only by indirect means
Bible Code
- equidistant letter sequence
- every 7x7 = 49 spaces in the Torah, there is a message :
Genesis à TORH
Exodus à TORH
Leviticus à YHWH
Numbers à HROT
Deuteronomy à HROT
i.e. The Torah always points to YHWH (God in Hebrew):
The Old Testament is incomplete:
- unexplained ceremonies (sacrificial rituals)
- unachieved purposes (the covenants)
- unappeased longings (poetical books)
- unfulfilled prophecies
The Silent Years
- the about 400 years of gap between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament
- it’s not really “silent” because in Daniel 11, it talks about those years, written IN ADVANCE
The OT spans almost 2000 years; the NT spans one life time.
- the Torah – the Books of Moses (5)
Genesis: the Book of Beginnings
Exodus: the Birth of the Nation
Leviticus: the Law of the Nation
Numbers: the Wilderness Wanderings
Deuteronomy: the Laws Reviewed
- the Historical Books (12)
- the Poetical Books (5)
- the Prophets (17): major (5), minor (12)
Truth exists regardless of faith or belief and withstands even the most critical of all interrogations. Let us all SEEK it.
Disclaimer: I am not a Biblical scholar. All my posts and comments are opinions and thoughts formulated through my current understanding of the Bible. I strive to speak of things that can be validated through Biblical Scriptures, and when I'm merely speculating, I make sure to note it. My views can be flawed, and I thus welcome any constructive perspectives and criticisms!