
Disclaimer: I am not a Biblical scholar. All my posts and comments are opinions and thoughts formulated through my current understanding of the Bible. I strive to speak of things that can be validated through Biblical Scriptures, and when I'm merely speculating, I make sure to note it. My views can be flawed, and I thus welcome any constructive perspectives and criticisms!

About Aletheia Seekers

I started this blog because I wanted a place to store my notes from my Bible studies.

I am not a Biblical scholar, but I do not need to be one to study the Bible.

Jesus said, "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled" (Matthew 5:18, KJV).

It would only be logical that any follower of the Biblical Jesus of Nazareth would strive to comprehend the vast amount of information stored in a collection of 66 books by 40 different authors across different time periods that we know as the Bible.

As Christians, we KNOW the Bible is THE book that God wrote, and It is TRUE. Everything else is measured against God's Word, because God's Word is the ONLY PERFECT STANDARD that we have on Earth.

Therefore, should we ever come to a point where we find "contradictions," RESEARCH BEFORE WE JUDGE.

I thus follow these guidelines as I study the Bible:

1. God means what He says and says what He means.

2. Jesus said He is here to fulfill the Torah down to the tittle (Matthew 5:18), and I see that as a challenge for us to take every detail in the Bible seriously.

3. God is His own interpreter: God explains Himself, which can all be found in the Bible (Acts 17:11). A friend of mine said it best: "Everything in the Bible is stated at least twice. If we can't understand it from one perspective, we can always find another to further our understanding."

Simply put, I study the Bible because I am a truth seeker. And, I post all my notes and thoughts here because I want to share the Truth I have found. I hope this blog will be a place where we encourage discussion and understanding. I hope this blog to be a tool for those trying to find the Truth and to aid fellow Christians in our growing understanding of our awesome God.

We are caught in the middle of the spiritual war between Satan and God. God created us to be perfect, but Satan seduced mankind to sin, which separates us from God. But through Jesus Christ, our sins are washed away, and we are forever redeemed in the eyes of God.

Hell was made for Satan and his followers. Hell was not made for us.

Through Jesus, we belong in Heaven with God, as kings and priests.

So, choose your side wisely.

For those who have chosen God's side, I rejoice! For those who are undecided or have deemed all this nonsense, I urge you to RESEARCH BEFORE YOU JUDGE. Please do not make the mistake of jumping to conclusions without any hard evidence. We are all held accountable for our own decisions. How much would we hate ourselves to find us standing in front of God on Judgment Day wishing we had done our homework? Satan is going to Hell for his pride. Let's learn something from his fall.

The above is the big picture. If we want to understand WHY, we need to study the Bible. It is a historical text, with corroborating evidence from other historical, archaeological, and scientific findings. But, it is more than just another history book. Many scholars call the Bible the greatest love story in the world, because the major theme revolves around the sacrifices God makes in order to restore us in Him.

There is so much to learn, so much to share! I have read the entire Bible four times and counting, and I have been doing in-depth studying of the Bible for three years now. And I'm STILL learning new things! Every time I learn something new, I understand even more the significance of that one jot or tittle.

It is simply astounding how EVERYTHING comes together PERFECTLY. So, I encourage you all to open the Bible and make these discoveries with me.

Now, let us seek the Truth!

Updated: 10/30/2015


Gordon's blog said...
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Jonnie said...

I'm not sure if you've heard of J. Vernon McGee, who had a radio show called Thru the Bible, where he expounded upon almost all of the verses in the Bible over a 5-year period. This was back in the 1970's, and listening to his show, or now to his recorded tracks, is called riding the Bible bus. He set it up such that it could only be released in his voice, to try to keep his work from being changed or corrupted.

Anyhow, he used to say that wisdom is the proper application of knowledge. Of course, we need proper knowledge, and this is what the Word is. Jesus is the Word, the life, the Truth, the Way... He is all, in all.

I pray that you are still studying His Word. God bless you!
