This blog is a compilation of my personal notes from home group Bible studies (using the following resources) and studies with the Bible Study Fellowship.
Bible Study Fellowship
This is an international organization with hundreds of groups around the world that host systematic studies of the books of the Bible. It is a valuable resource for new Christians to learn more about Jesus and for mature Christians to support growing Christians.
This is a daily radio broadcast program by Dr. Chuck Missler of Koinonia House. For those interested in discovering how science is consistent with the Scriptures, Missler does a great job providing valid information. His commentaries on each book of the Bible is a great resource as well.
Manna Fest
This is a weekly TV program by Pastor Perry Stone of Voice of Evangelism. Jesus, our King, is a Jew. Hence, gaining an understanding of Jewish traditions deepens our understanding of the Scriptures, as they are a picture of the originals in Heaven (Exodus 25:9). (For example, the Jewish wedding is a picture of the marriage between Jesus and His bride, the Church.) Perry Stone shines light on Biblical prophecies and teachings through Jewish lenses.
The Hal Lindsey Report
This is a weekly TV program by Hal Lindsey. The Bible is clear that NO ONE knows the time of Jesus' return except God the Father (Matthew 24:36). However, Jesus does expect us to know the times. For example, when Jesus wept over Jerusalem, He pronounced judgment upon the Jews for failing to recognize Jesus' first coming (Luke 19:44). We do not know the exact day (so stop trying to pinpoint the exact date!), but God has revealed enough through Biblical prophecies for us to know the times. Hal Lindsey guides us through current events and explains how it parallels Biblical prophecy. For those who still think Jesus' second coming is a long ways off, the clock has already started counting down (Matthew 24:34), with Israel recognized as a nation in 1948 (and thus fulfilling Ezekiel 37:1-4) as one of the most significant prophetic events fulfilled in our time.
Bible study broadcasts
* Summons: Pastor Terry Gray of Calvary Chapel Sun City
* Bible Study:Pastor Damian Kyle of Calvary Chapel Modesto
* The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
* In Six Days Edited by John Ashton
Other Resources
* -- The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is one of the greatest discoveries in history. It isn't just an amazing archaeological find. It provides proof for the Truth of the Bible and has ended many scholarly debates.
Last updated: 10/30/2015
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