What do you do as a Christian?
- Glorify God
- Share our testimony and strengthen other people’s faith.
- Own relationship with God and how you interact with other people.
→ Look for evidence in the Word
2 Corinthian 4:7-12
o Carrying death = carrying death of Christ (you are cleanse by Christ’s blood)
Sinning, giving up yourself to Christ (death to the old self)
o Outwards comes life (and out of that comes life)
What does the new self do?
2 Corinthian 12: 7
2 Corinthian 12: 10
Will not take trials / tribulations from you, but it won’t break in (sides of the jar, sides of the clay), it will not break you.
→ Pleads to take away the problems. But God says,” My grace is enough.”
→ Weakness (my power is made perfect in weakness)
→ “for” is a connecting word to say they will explain it more later.
Mathew 11:29
“Take my yoke upon you and LEARN FROM ME”
→ 1) Becoming a Christian (take my yoke upon you)
2) Being a Christian (LEARN FROM ME)
Mathew 16:24: Famous version of “take my yoke” = becoming a Christian
Ephesian 5
“Be imitators of God” (imitate Christ)
→ Christ had to carry his cross.
→ your cross: death and be born again, follow his footsteps and be like him.
Give up your life for God.
3 John 11
→ How do you define good and evil?
→ Proverbs 15:33
2 Corinthians 8:7
What does it mean to give? What do you give?
2 Corinthians 9: 6 – 15
→ Giving comes from the heart
→ Giving: tiding (10% of income: money, things)
→ the beginning is from the heart: so if your heart is in the right place.
Should not be reluctantly or under compulsion (as in forced to pay taxes)
→ 1 Samuel 16:7 (giving from the heart)
David: Youngest, smallest and weakest
(picture of Christ)
→ Luke 20:45 (worshipping from the heart)
Philipians 2:1-11
→ Be humble. Remove egocentric. Being one in spirit and purpose.
How: consider others better than yourselves => think of yourself less than others => you are a servant
Only the humbled are honor
So far we have covered that being a Christian means…
Your Heart is in the right place to give, be humble, be a servant and do not judge in the idea of imitating God.
Psalm 1:12
1 Corinthians 4:1
Christians shouldn’t judge. PERIOD. Do not judge. Not yourself. Not others.
So you don’t judge yourself poorly. Or greatly (which would leave to self-righteousness)
Galatians 3:26 – 4:7
→ We are equal. We are also a child, subject to guardian and trustee. We are no better. No one is better than the other. => Ties back to why we should not judge.
James 2
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (The Golden Rule)
No favoritism. Don’t judge.
Law that gives freedom vs law that does not give freedom
Law of condemnation: Exodus (ex. 10 commandments) => expose your sins.
Law gives freedom: through grace and faith, redeems you from your sins.
*The Beatitudes: Mathew 5
Speaking of attitude:
Those who are poor will be made rich in the NEXT life.
(For if you are already rich in this life, there is nothing more to obtain.)
Proverbs 20:23
The LORD detests differing weights, and dishonest scales do not please him.