No man is righteous.
You cannot be in the presence of God with sin.
Thus, when you sin.
Repent. Make amends. Then ask for forgiveness. (Repent and ask for forgiveness.)
And then change from the heart.
Your heart needs to be in the right place.
Non-Christian vs Christian (born again, changed person)
Holy Spirit: conscious, discernment, wisdom
Choice is what makes you a new person / a new creature.
Born again. And then you start to grow into a better person.
(mustard seed => grows into a tree)
Love your neighbor as yourself
1 John 3:11 => Love One Another
Proverbs 25:21
*When your enemy slaps your face, offer him the other side of your face.
Jesus said:
A man cannot have two masters, for he cannot serve both money and God.
Ephesians is rich with what Christians should and should not do.
Ephesians 4:25
* Read Ephesians 4 & 5.
*Damn it (to hell) = is a curse.
* Unwholeness talk = untruthful, malice talk etc.
Not wrong to have anger because God has anger as well.
But he tells us not to anger, because anger can LEAD TO SIN.
There is a time for it. There is a time for each emotion.
Numbers: God is slow to anger. (Be slow to anger)
Proverbs 14:29
Proverbs 16:32
Proverbs 19:11
Slow to anger vs quick temper
Difference is restraint.
Paul said: Get rid of all forms of anger. Rage = uncontrollable anger.
Paul said to get rid of all uncontrollable anger. Control your anger.
James is quick to the point.
James 3:1-6
Curbing your tongue.
Freudian slip = not curb you tongue and speak exactly what you are thinking.
Words are harder to control than the muscles that lead to actions.
That’s why he speaks of the tongue as “a very small rudder”. (It is small yet it is very powerful!!!)
Your heart needs to be in the right place.
If you say bad things and/or curse others, it tells that your heart is NOT in the right place.
There is power in the spoken word.
Jesus Christ said to the barren fig tree, “Curse be on you” and the fig tree withered away.
(because the vine must bare fruits)
Genesis: “Let there be light” and there was light.
Jesus Christ is the SPOKEN word of God (He is the word made flesh).
Tongue is the readout of your heart AND it is POWERFUL!
(Revelation: double-edged sword, could be good and bad)
Water = your spirit (out of the body came water flow of spirit…)
You can’t be both good and evil. (A man can’t serve two masters.) → get rid of evil
Galatians: Early rain (right after you plant the seed) and latter rain (right before your harvest).
Dead sea is “dead” because there’s salt in the water (high salt) → everything is dead in it.
James 5:7
2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
Christians should rebuke another Christians.
Busybody = nosy (nosy Kathy)
- a person who meddles in the affairs of others
- Someone who interferes with others; one who is nosy, intrusive or meddlesome
- Creates problem rather than solve problems
- Don’t gossip.
Car idle: running but not moving.
You idle: doing stuff that does not yield anything (spiritually); laziness (physically).
James said: Faith without yield is dead.
Producing fruit is about putting your heart in the right place.
- You work more than you need to so that you would have enough to supply not only
yourself. But that when someone comes and ask for things, you will have the ability to
- You should not take generosity when you do not need it because you are sucking away
help that should have gone to those who truly need it.
- God gave each of us a gift. You should not waste your gift but use it to glorify God.
Read Hebrews 12 (process of being Christian and HOW you learn)
1 Peter 2:9 (idea of being set apart, the living stone and the chosen people)
Acts 9: 1-22 (conversion, Saul → Paul)
No favoritism
Don’t judge
Giving / Serving (from your heart)
Humility (be humble and not proud)
Love one another (Love your neighbor as yourself)
Do not envy
Have no other gods
Talk about Jesus (spread the word)
Be slow to anger.
Watch your tongue (do not speak bad things)
Christians should rebuke another Christians.
Do not idle.