
Disclaimer: I am not a Biblical scholar. All my posts and comments are opinions and thoughts formulated through my current understanding of the Bible. I strive to speak of things that can be validated through Biblical Scriptures, and when I'm merely speculating, I make sure to note it. My views can be flawed, and I thus welcome any constructive perspectives and criticisms!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

080805: Rapture (II)

order of events:
Rapture --> Tribulation --> Millenium Reign --> Final Judgment (Judgment of Good vs. Bad)

Matthew 25:14-46
The Parable of the Talents
- each person is given a set of abilites
- all will be judged when the master returns
--> this eludes to the reckoning after the tribulation, about the Rewards judgment (occurs some time after the Rapture; specific time frame is unknown)

central message (NIV):
"Being ready for Christ's coming involves more than playing it safe and doing little or nothing."

When does the Rapture occur?
According to the Bible, a series of events will happen in the course of a generation. These events are all prophesied in the Bible (e.g. Israel becoming one Nation, as predicted in Ezekiel 37; the Message of Christianity being heard across all nations). These events are signs for the Christians to know the return of Christ is near, and that they will soon be Raptured.

Revelation 11:3-14
The Two Witnesses
- this section disproves the theory that the Rapture occurs before the end of the Tribulation

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