
Disclaimer: I am not a Biblical scholar. All my posts and comments are opinions and thoughts formulated through my current understanding of the Bible. I strive to speak of things that can be validated through Biblical Scriptures, and when I'm merely speculating, I make sure to note it. My views can be flawed, and I thus welcome any constructive perspectives and criticisms!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Luke: Do Not Quit

Sermon on Luke 14:25-35
by Pastor Mark Driscoll


- Salvation costs us nothing. Discipleship costs us everything.
- Salvation is a moment. Discipleship is a lifetime.
- Between our Conversion to our Resurrection is our discipleship.

Do we truly want to live a life of discipleship? If so, ARE WE?

- Jesus stresses: If you are a disciple, DO NOT QUIT.

Luke 14:25-27
A disciple's first priority is to follow Jesus.

Our love for Jesus must be on a different level than for all else, a higher level above all else. What is more important? Our devotion to Jesus or to our parents, siblings, children, work, life, etc.? Do not fear and cave into man-issues. Remember God's promises.

Luke 14:28-30
Before we commit to something, do our homework.

Make sure we make a plan. Do not raise our hands unless we are ready to see it to the end. It's better to finish one or two projects than to over-commit to ten projects.

Do not quit.

Otherwise, we would be just like a woman who loves a wedding but hates a marriage. Partying is easy. Saying yes to Jesus' salvation is easy. But 60 years of joyful marriage is hard. A life time's relationship, of discipleship with Jesus, is hard.


Why do we give so little to the One who gave us so much? As Christians, why do we so easily give up Jesus over earthly issues? Have we forgotten the Word, have we forgotten God's promises? Life is hard. Following Jesus is hard. But, Jesus walked that life perfectly to show us how we should live as Christians. He sacrificed so much for us. How could we give up so readily just because we meet a bit of resistance? If we have said yes to Jesus' salvation, if we have raised our hands to attend the ultimate wedding party of eternity, then we have begun our journey as Jesus' disciples.

Jesus warns us that this road is not easy.

And why should it be?

There is a spiritual war going on around us. Satan is constantly manipulating our minds and playing to our temptations so that he can steal more souls from God. As Jesus' disciples, if we give up, then Satan has won.

So, when we are at the verge of giving up, think instead of this: Are we ready to give Satan such an easy victory? Why should we give our souls to Satan who has done nothing for us, who has instead done everything he could to make sure we continue to die in our sins?

Following Jesus is hard because Satan and his legion are out there ruthlessly seducing us to sin. But that will soon end.

The Book of Revelation tells us very clearly that Jesus wins. Jesus wins! And when that day comes, following Jesus will be easy. Because the love of Jesus is easy. Because loving Jesus is easy.

So until that day comes, stay strong in fellowship, fellow Christians. Stay strong as Jesus' disciples and DO NOT EVER QUIT. Satan does not deserve such an easy victory!

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