
Disclaimer: I am not a Biblical scholar. All my posts and comments are opinions and thoughts formulated through my current understanding of the Bible. I strive to speak of things that can be validated through Biblical Scriptures, and when I'm merely speculating, I make sure to note it. My views can be flawed, and I thus welcome any constructive perspectives and criticisms!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Isaiah 25-27

Bible study with Pastor Terry Gray

Isaiah 25-27 is a collection of 3 poems about the Kingdom Age, a time of Jesus' millennial reign on Earth.

POEM 1 (Isaiah 25)

Isaiah 25:1-3
A very strong fortified city will be destroyed and never to be rebuilt again prior to the start of Jesus' Kingdom. No specific city is mentioned, thus it may be general: The city of man, the government, the kingdom of mankind will be destroyed. Over all, this is eluding to the end of the reign of man.

Isaiah 25:6
This feast is not specifically named. It's likely to be a general feast, describing the abundance of the millennial kingdom. Everyone would be living a prosperous life.

Isaiah 25:8
There will be no more death, no more tears, no more pain, no more suffering.

Pastor Gray:

We're in the Church age. The next big event is the Rapture. Raptured Christians get new bodies and go with Jesus to Heaven for 7 years. This is when the Wedding Feast of the Lamb would take place. On Earth, it will be going through the Tribulation during those 7 years. At the end of the Tribulation, the Church comes back to Earth with Jesus. Jesus will defeat the Anti-Christ and save those on Earth that belong to him. All enemies would be destroyed. All saints that died in the Tribulation will receive their resurrected bodies. Jesus then begins his 1000-year reign. 

Those with resurrected bodies don't die during the Millennium. They will experience no suffering, no pain. Those who are alive when Jesus returns, they will not receive a resurrected body. They will have bodies like we have. They will grow old and die. At the end of the 1000-year reign, there will be another resurrection.

Those who died in Christ during the Millennium will be raised. All the wicked people will also be raised. Then, the Great White Throne Judgment will take place. The wicked will be casted into the Lake of Fire (aka, the 2nd death).

The righteous will go to Heaven. A new Heaven and a new Earth are then created. All people of God at this point will then all have their eternal resurrected bodies.

POEM 2 (Isaiah 26)

Isaiah 26:1-3
There will be singing in Jerusalem. This song is about the strength of the city, justice, and peace. As long as our mind is stayed upon Jesus, we will have peace.

Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, and let the peace of God take us.

Isaiah 26:9
Isaiah sought God day and night. We should also be God-seekers, yearning for God.

Isaiah 26:13
Former masters/tyrants of Israel will all be conquered. Jesus will reign, and there will be peace. Israel will be at peace. 

Isaiah 26:15
God will enlarge Israel. Israel is currently about the size of New Jersey. In the Millennium, Israel will gain all the land promised to them. Even in David’s and Solomon’s time, the Israelites’ only occupied 1/10 of what has been promised to Israel!

Isaiah 26:19
At the 2nd coming of Christ, the Old Testament saints will be resurrected.

Isaiah 26:20-21
These verses greatly support the theory of a pre-Tribulation Rapture. Why else would God tell us to “hide ourselves a little while until His wrath has passed by”?

God’s Wrath, here, is a time of indignation when God judges the world during the Tribulation. Prior to this out pouring of Wrath, God said to go into our chambers and remain safe (Rapture).

POEM 3 (Isaiah 27)

Isaiah 27:1
Genesis 3
Revelation 12
Satan will be destroyed. During the 1000-year reign, Satan will be imprisoned. After that, he will be let loose for a while before Jesus casts him into the Lake of Fire.

Isaiah 27:2-6
In the Millennium, Israel will be restored and will be the center of Jesus’ reign. Before the Millennium, they were compared to a vineyard of sour grapes. In the Millennium, they will bear great fruit!

Isaiah 27:7-13
This passage speaks about God disciplining Israel, which will then be followed by the restoration of Israel, ushering in the Millennial Kingdom!

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